Friday, August 31, 2012

An Insatiable Hunger

I have been blessed with an insatiable hunger to know my ancestors….to discover where I came from and the events and people that all culminated in “ME”. I am obsessed with preserving the past! Not just mine - but in encouraging and helping others to preserve theirs.

We didn’t just appear out of nowhere…the past IS important…who our ancestors were and what they did IS important. To me it is like picturing the great Mississippi River…..where does the water come from that creates this majestic river? Is there some ‘magical place’ where this river gets its water? No - it is created and fed by all the tributary rivers that feed it! That is the way I feel about ME. All of these people down through time traveled their various journeys beginning at completely different locations, and as they traveled they came together and came together - their DNA and experiences were combined and ultimately culminated in me! I MUST know about them! About who they were, what their lives were like, what they experienced, where they came from.

I invite you to share my journey as I piece the puzzle of my past together. As you do so I hope a seed will be planted in your heart to discover your own past and preserve your present for the future!!

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